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23/01/2025 - 14:21      69 view
  • name Event type: Conference
  • quymo Scale: 500-1000 delegates
  • diadiem Event Venues: Bach Mai Hospital
  • doitac Đối tác text: Vietnamese Subsociety of Interventional Radiology
  • time Organizing time: April 22–23, 2022
  • hinhthuc Hình thức: Online


Hanoi, April 22, 2022 – The 9th Congress of Vietnamese Subsociety of Interventional Radiology took place over two days (April 22–23, 2022) at Bach Mai Hospital. The conference was held in a hybrid format, both online and offline, in the post-COVID-19 context. Prior to the conference, a workshop on interventional radiology thrombectomy technique transfer was conducted.

This year’s conference welcomed approximately 100 onsite delegates and 1,000 online participants, including professors, doctors, and numerous colleagues from various provinces and cities nationwide. Notably, 17 international speakers—professors, doctors, and technicians from Germany, France, Canada, Taiwan (China), South Korea, Singapore, and Thailand—joined the conference alongside 18 Vietnamese lecturers and presenters, all renowned experts in interventional radiology for neurology, peripheral diseases, and visceral interventions on a global scale.

The conference provided an invaluable platform for medical professionals within and outside the specialty, as well as hospitals nationwide, to update their knowledge, share experiences, and collaborate in the field of interventional radiology. This effort aims to advance training and development in interventional radiology for hospitals, maximize available resources, and implement minimally invasive techniques for comprehensive diagnosis and treatment. These advancements contribute to better recovery rates, reduced hospital stays, and alleviation of hospital overcrowding.

The conference program covered a wide range of topics, including interventions for cerebral vascular diseases, peripheral vascular diseases, liver tumors, pain management, prostate disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, thyroid and breast diseases, and more.

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